Today as never before the subject matter of Family and Consumer Sciences such as nutrition, parenting, child care, family financial management, indoor air quality, sustainable housing, children’s environmental health, etc. have moved to the forefront of community and legislative agendas. The general public, as well as, key leaders have recognized what we inside the field have long known; addressing these issues to develop strong families ultimately leads to strong communities. The long term impact is an economic one.
In Blount County, three staff members give leadership to the FCS Extension program. These members include Mary Beth Lima, UT/TSU Extension Agent and Program Assistants Sheri Arden and Danielle Trotter.
Below are selected programs offered by FCS Extension in Blount County:
Contact Information

Mary Beth Lima
Extension Agent I
Phone: 865-982-6430 ext. 4
Email: mlima@tennessee.edu