Programs educate farmers and homeowners and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing.
Programs also help Tennesseans protect the environment and improve the management, marketing, and use of natural resources. For more detailed information about these programs provided in your area please contact the County Extension Office.
Available Programs
Crops and Nursery
Extension faculty provide educational programs to farmers and nursery owners on plant diseases, pest management, improved production, sustainable technologies, efficient use of resources, and trends in landscape design.
Environmental Stewardship and Natural Resources
The environment affects every citizen in Tennessee. Disposal of solid waste, the quality of water and indoor air quality are major environmental concerns. Extension faculty teach consumers how to reduce solid waste through recycling, reuse and composting and how to protect and improve water and indoor air quality. Extension faculty also educate producers about the proper application, handling and disposal of pesticides and fertilizers.
Animal Waste Management Systems
A state-wide animal waste management educational program.
Programs to help farm families and rural residents assess and reduce the risks affecting the quality of their water.
Programs designed to help homeowners assess factors in the home that can affect the health and safety of families and the environment.
Farm Management
Improved management helps not only individuals, but also develops a stronger Tennessee economy. Extension faculty provide farmers with information on how to improve production through innovative methods in cultural techniques and livestock management practices. They also educate farmers on how to be more efficient in their use of labor, equipment, land and other resources.
Beef Cattle FIRM
A software product designed for beef cattle farmers and ranchers.
Short-term planning budgets for livestock and the most prevalent field crop enterprises.
MANAGE program
MANAGE was designed specifically to help Tennessee farm families carefully evaluate their individual situation and assist them in improving their quality of life. Over 8,000 Tennessee farm families have participated in the intensive farm and financial planning phase of MANAGE.
Exploring Income Opportunities
Programs to help farm families evaluate likely economic consequences of adding new enterprises to their operations.
Farm Structures
Information on farmstead planning; livestock housing systems; and equipment, hay and utility storage facilities.
Forage Economics
Program provides information about forages.
Soil Test Laboratory
Program to help homeowners, farmers, nursery growers and researchers submit soil samples for diagnostic analysis.
Tennessee AgrAbility Project
Information to help Tennessee’s farmers, farm workers and their family members who have disabilities.
Extension faculty serve the agricultural industry of Tennessee by providing educational programs on the expert care and efficient production and management of animals. Click here for information on the Advanced Master Beef program.
Animal Science Programs
Beef, Horse Sheep Educational programs are provided in breeding and genetics, reproduction, nutrition and forage utilization, production and management and marketing that involve beef cattle, sheep and horses. Click here for information on the Advanced Master Beef program.
4-H Programs
Extension Animal Science faculty also provide support to the Tennessee 4-H program by providing literature for 4-H Animal Science projects and conducting beef, sheep, horse, poultry, dairy and market hog shows for 4-H’ers.
Beekeeping in Tennessee
Provides information on beekeeping as a pleasing and profitable occupation.
Tennessee Junior Livestock Exposition Tennessee Beef Cattle Improvement Initiative
A statewide effort focusing on improving the value, quality and performance of Tennessee beef cattle.
Distance Diagnostics
Program focuses on identification of many of the fungal, insect, nematode and viral pathogens which occur across the state. County Extension faculty submit plant disease or pest images and information for rapid diagnosis by resource professionals at the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Center in Nashville, TN.
Integrated Pest Management Programs in Tennessee
Programs include corn, cotton, grain, sorghum, tobacco, soybean, stored grain and urban integrated pest management programs.
Pesticide Applicator Training
Training program for becoming a certified or licensed pest control operator in Tennessee
Tennessee Pest Management Information Network
Information on all aspects of pest management and related topics.
Resource Development
Extension faculty provide educational programs that assist rural community development, including helping communities in economic transition, improving networking among policy makers, and strengthening the decision-making skills and knowledge of community leaders.
Agricultural Development Center
Programs that increase the value of Tennessee’s economy through new, expanded and improved processing and marketing of agricultural, aquaculture and forestry products as well as home-based industries.
Master Gardener
This program will focus on many issues in the horticulture industry as well as train volunteers to serve hours in Blount County for various projects