What is 4-H?
- The largest youth development organization in the nation. It is open to all students in grades 4–12 regardless of race, sex, national origin, or disability.
- 4-H trains future citizens with skills in leadership, service, & communications.
- 4-H starts for many 4th and 5th graders with monthly club meetings in the classroom during school time.
- Other students are involved in 4-H through community 4-H clubs held in the evenings once a month at schools, churches, community centers, or the 4-H office.
- 4-H offers such a wide range of projects, programs and activities that every member can do well in 4-H. There are no dues to pay or uniforms to purchase.
For Parents
As agents, the joy of 4-H is watching young people grow through their accomplishments. We hope you will join us in celebrating youth as your child or teen becomes involved in 4-H. Volunteers are a vital part of our program. Please contact us to join in the fun!
Our mission is to help youth develop life skills, gain knowledge, and form positive attitudes in order to become capable, responsible and caring citizens. As a component of the University of Tennessee and Tennessee State University, 4-H utilizes its vast resources and research base to pass on accurate and up-to-date information to 4-H members and their families.
Need More Information?
For specific information on any 4-H activity, contact one of the 4-H agents listed here at the Blount County Extension Office (865) 982-6420 ext. 3 or by e-mail.
4-H Club Meetings
4-H Club Meetings normally start in September and run through April or May for 4th – 12th graders. Club meetings are held in the months of September, October, November, January, February, March and April (May if make up dates are needed).
Contests for the year are normally: Public Speaking (November and December), 4-H Posters and Beekeeping Essays (January), Demonstration Contest (February), Dairy Posters and Clover Bowl (March).
What kinds of things do we do in 4-H? Check out the Blount County 4-H activities & Programs to find out more!
Active Blount County 4-H Project Groups
Entomology (4H Beekeeping Essay.docx)
Food Science
Honor Club
Performing Arts/Recreation
Virtual Project Groups (State 4-H Office)
4-H Pledge
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service,
and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.

Contact Information

James McMillion
Ext Agent III
Phone: 865-982-6430
Email: jmcmilli@utk.edu

Amy Berger
Extension Agent I (TSU)
Phone: 865-982-6430
Email: aberger2@utk.edu
4-H Enrollment Form
2024-25 Enrollment Forms Now Ready
Click Here to Join
4-H Camps

4-H Contest Information
4-H Poster Guidelines
Demonstrations (Demonstration Video)
How to assemble a demonstration project
4-H Newsletters
March Newsletter 2025
February Newsletter 2025
January Newsletter 2025