4-H Project Portfolios are an integral part of the well rounded 4-H experience!
Portfolios are where 4-H members learn to set goals, plan, prioritize and record goals set/met. You will evaluate how you did and if you met the goals you set for yourself. You will learn to market yourself, and how to prepare a resume and complete a 4-H Project Interview. These are very important skills to have if you would one day like to get a job, or go to college, or have a successful interview. 4-H members who have completed a 4-H Project Portfolio and 4-H Project Interview are miles ahead of the pack when it comes to life preparedness.
A Project Portfolio is a record of a 4-H’ers work in a particular project area. 4-H’ers can enter their portfolios in competitions. 4-H’ers with outstanding portfolios can earn trips to Junior High 4-H Academic Conference, State 4-H Congress, Tennessee 4-H Roundup and National 4-H Congress!!
- 4-H Roundup
- 4-H Congress
- 4-H Junior High Academic Conference
- National 4-H Congress
- You will also need one of the “Thinking Ahead“.
Due Dates for Portfolios
- January 15th – Senior High (9th-12th) Citizenship and Leadership Portfolios
- April 1st – Junior High (6th-8th) and all other Senior Portfolios
- April 1st – Junior Portfolios (Blount County level only)
The State 4-H Project Portfolio scorecard and Interview Score Cards can be found here…
We will have several portfolio workshops through the year. Please call our office (865) 982-6430 or check our calendar for more information on those dates. Please try to attend at least one workshop if you plan on turning in a portfolio.
How to complete a Project Portfolio
- Choose a 4-H project.
- Plan what you are going to do in your project.
- Participate in 4-H activities, lead a project group, give a demonstration or project talk, create an exhibit, etc.
- Participate in leadership and citizenship activities.
- Keep records of all the things you do in 4-H, citizenship and leadership.
- Take pictures!
- Fill out appropriate portfolio forms.
- Turn in project portfolio.
The directions, forms and materials can be found here
You can use any color portfolio cover you wish as no points are added or subtracted for the cover design, but many 4-Hers choose to use an “Official 4-H Portfolio Cover“.
Do not be intimidated! Your 4-H Agents will help you fill out your portfolio!
For more information or to get started contact 4-H Agent: Amy Berger at aberger2@utk.edu or James McMillion at jmcmilli@utk.edu or call (865) 982-6430, ext. 3.
Contact Information

James McMillion
Ext Agent III
Phone: 865-982-6430
Email: jmcmilli@utk.edu

Amy Berger
Extension Program Assistant II (TSU)
Phone: 865-982-6430
Email: aberger2@utk.edu