The 4-H Honor Club is a statewide organization that provides recognition, primarily within counties, for junior high 4-H members who have demonstrated consistent leadership abilities and have been active members in their local clubs and communities.
To be eligible for membership in the 4-H Honor Club, members must submit an application, be endorsed by their local 4-H leader and be approved by the State 4-H Office. Upon acceptance, a member receives a 4-H Honor Club certificate and an Honor Club key.
Opportunities for citizenship and service activities, leadership and project development are key aspects of 4-H Honor Club work. The Tennessee 4-H Honor Club is open to eligible youth in the 6th – 12th grades.
Information on becoming a 4-H Honor Club Member
If you are interested in learning more about becoming an Honor Club member, please call the Extension Office at (865) 982-6430 to set up a time for Ms. Berger or Mr. McMillion to answer your questions and assist you with filling out the application.
Click here for an interactive copy of the application form. You may also drop by UT Extension Blount County during regular business hours to pick up a copy of the form or call (865) 982-6430 to have a form mailed or emailed to you.

Honor Club Officer Descriptions
President (9th-12th Honor Club Member)
– Plan Agenda PRIOR to meetings
– Preside over meetings
– Delegate responsibilities
– If you must be absent, alert agent and vice-president
– Represent Blount County 4-H at events
Vice President (9th-12th Honor Club Member)
– Assist president and take president’s place in event he/she resigns or is absent. Also, fill in if secretary is absent
– Assist in presiding over meeting
– Assist in planning monthly agendas-provide a copy to agents prior to meeting
– Welcome guests and get their names to introduce PRIOR to meeting!
– Represent Blount County 4-H at events
Secretary/Treasurer (9th-12th Grade Official Honor Club Member)
– Keep accurate records of all meeting activities
– Keep accurate records of 4-H Honor Club Funds
– Record attendance
– Assist other officers in planning monthly meetings
– Help president start and stop on time
– Remind members about upcoming meetings and deadlines
– Welcome guests
– Represent Blount County 4-H at events
Historian (6th-12th Grade and Completed Honor Club Application)
– Keep a well recorded scrapbook of 4-H Honor Club member’s activities and Record Honor Club events
– Assist other officers in planning monthly meetings
– Stay in close contact with officers and 4-H staff
– Welcome guests
– Represent Blount County 4-H at Events
Leadership Team Leader (6th-12th Grade and Completed Honor Club Application)
– Put together scrapbook of team and icebreaker activities
– Conduct a team building game at each Honor Club meeting
– Represent Blount County 4-H at events
Service Project Team Leader (6th-12th Grade and Completed Honor Club Application)
– Make sure items are collected by due date
– Create flyers, radio announcements, newspaper articles for service projects
– Brainstorm other ways we can serve as a club (plan projects with entire club at Jan. Honor Club meeting).
– Fill out service project reports
– Represent Blount County 4-H at events
Marketing Team Leader (6th-12th Grade and Completed Honor Club Application)
– Create an Honor Club display that can be used at 4-H events (Speech Contest, Demonstration Contest, History Fair)
– Create and maintain a Honor Club PowerPoint Presentation that can be given at various events, 4-H and otherwise
– Assist Agent with Facebook and Twitter updates
– Multi-County 4-H promotion
– Fundraising Ideas
– Represent Blount County 4-H at Events
All Officers are expected to hold themselves to the following standards:
- If you miss more than 2 meetings consecutively, or do not fulfill your duties you can lose your position!
- Attend Leadership Training
- Stay in close contact with officers and 4-H staff
4-H All Stars
What is the 4-H All Stars?
Tennessee 4-H All Stars is the second level in the Tennessee 4-H recognition program for outstanding 4-H members. Through active participation in their 4-H clubs, 4-H’ers in 7th-12th grades can earn points to become members of the 4-H Honor Club. Once they complete the 8th grade, Honor Club members may apply for membership in 4-H All Stars. Membership in All Stars is based on SERVICE, which is the All Star motto. 4-H All Stars have many opportunities for service, leadership, and FUN! Whether participating in county service learning projects, attending regional conferences, or serving as a regional or state officer, members learn about themselves as they serve others. The opportunities are limitless. As a speaker at the 1965 All Star Conference said, “All Stars have a golden opportunity to serve. It’s a matter of how you want to serve and where you want to serve.” In order to attend 4-H Roundup as an All-Star, you must first be an All-Star member.
4-H All Star Membership
Are you interested in becoming a 4-H All Star? The first step is to be a member of the 4-H Honor Club. The All Star application is the last page of the 4-H Honor Club application (the pages should stay attached). According to the organization’s Constitution & By-laws, the following qualifications apply for selection of nominees for All Star initiation: Active 4-H Club member*
- Must have completed the 8th grade*
- Must be a member of the Tennessee 4-H Honor Club*
- Outstanding leadership ability*
- Commendable character
- Above average project work
- Willingness to serve
*The first three qualifications are required.
4-H Vol State
Vol State is the final step in Tennessee’s three-level recognition program… Honor Club, All Stars and Vol State. The Vol State Award is the highest honor a Tennessee 4-H’er many receive. Members are inducted in an impressive candlelight ceremony on the final night of Tennessee 4-H Roundup.
To give deserved recognition to 4-H members and others on a statewide basis who have particularly outstanding records in project achievement, leadership and service in 4-H.
Members must be an active 4-H member.
Members must have been enrolled in the 11th or 12th school grade on January 1 of the current calendar year.
Members must be an active 4-H All Star.
Members must be in attendance at State 4-H Roundup.
Each county may recommend two members. In addition to these two members, a county may recommend one member for each 100 or major fraction thereof senior 4-H members in the county.
For more information contact 4-H Agent: Amy Berger via Email: or Phone: (865) 982-6430